
Extension of the JobKeeper payment2020. Notch Above Bookkeeping

JobKeeper 2.0

For businesses to remain eligible for JobKeeper 2.0, your business turnover does get retested each quarter and needs to still show a reduction.
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JobKeeper audits underway

Imagine going through the rigmarole to apply for JobKeeper when COVID-19 restrictions were rife, only to find your application rejected months later by Tax Office auditors. That is what happened to one small business who took a DIY approach to their JobKeeper application.
JobKeeper2020 Notch Above Bookkeeping

Extension of the JobKeeper Payment

The Government is extending the JobKeeper Payment by a further six months to March 2021. Support will be targeted to businesses and not-for-profits that continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus.
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Superannuation guarantee amnesty

This SG Amnesty law change provides a number of incentives for employers to pay any unpaid historical superannuation guarantee (SG) amounts relating to the period 1 July 1992 to 31 March 2018.
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JobKeeper – Waiting on Release of Further Details

As you probably are aware the Bill has been passed but as yet we do not have any further details. We believe this information will be released shortly and as soon as we know more can let you know.
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Coronavirus Jobkeeper Payment

The Government has announced a $130 billion JobKeeper payment to help keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the significant economic impact caused by the Coronavirus.
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Coronavirus cash flow assistance for business

We will ensure these Coronavirus cash flow business incentives are included in your business BAS returns when lodged with the tax office.

Economic Stimulus Package

The Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic plan to keep Australians in jobs, keep businesses in business and support households and the economy as the world deals with the significant challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus.

Support measures to assist those affected by COVID-19

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will implement a series of administrative measures to assist Australians experiencing financial difficulty as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.