Preparing for the holiday season
Small business owners: Don’t wait to prepare for the holiday season. Here are some tips to get ahead of the holiday rush.
NSW Summer Holiday Stock Guarantee
As part of the Economic Recovery Strategy, the NSW Government has committed to provide a Summer Holiday Stock Guarantee grant for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Westpac encourages Australians to be alert as scam activity peaks during COVID-19
According to a new study, more than 1.2 million Australians have been scammed in the last 12 months, with people under 30 being twice more likely to have been targeted during Covid-19.
Australian SMBs record strongest sales growth in June
A study revealed that Australian small businesses enjoyed their best sales in June 2021, ahead of the latest COVID-19 restrictions in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.
QLD COVID-19 Business Support Grants
Your business or not for profit organisation may be eligible for financial support through the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants, if it has been affected by the August 2021 COVID-19 lockdowns in Queensland.
Helping your customers build a sanctuary allows them to feel right at home.
Is your business analysing the rise in data to better understand customers?
Is your business collecting data that helps you understand your customers better? Are you putting it to use when you engage with them? If the answer is ‘no’, you’re already behind the eight ball — read why.
Winning and keeping talent
If you’re a small business owner, here are four ways to set yourself apart as a top employer to win and keep your employee talent.
Cut costs or continue spending?
With the economy in recession, many businesses have faced the challenge of re-evaluating how they operate One of the most difficult decisions is whether to cut costs or continue spending. But which of these activities could help increase your profits to build a more resilient business?