JobKeeper Enrolments Start Monday 20 April
There has been a lot of talk around the JobKeeper payment and at last we have a few more specific details.
Enrolments will start on Monday and be open for two weeks for the first payment period.
There is a step-by-step process to follow for this scheme which we can do for you to allow you to continue focusing on your business.
The subsidy will be paid for a maximum period of six months, from 30 March 2020 up until 27 September 2020 and may be worth up to $19,500 per eligible employee. It will be paid to eligible businesses monthly in arrears, with the first payment commencing to employers from the first week of May 2020.
Under the scheme, eligible businesses will receive a payment of $1,500 per fortnight per eligible employee and/or for one eligible business participant.
The questions that need to be answered for your business include:
- Is my business eligible?
- Has my business met the reduction in turnover test?
- Which of my employees are eligible?
- Do I need to provide top-up payments to employees?
There are changes to the Fair Work Act so that Employers can manage their workforce more flexibly over the next six months. Please see the detailed information sheet from Fair Work here. We can’t provide HR advice but this document does summarise the changes.
We could have not foreseen the COVID-19 pandemic and the extent of work required in the Jobkeeper enrolment, applications and ongoing administration that is required to be completed on your behalf to ensure you receive your entitlements. Unfortunately, this is additional work that is outside your current Notch Above Bookkeeping Package.
Please see the details of our offer here.
We are looking forward to managing this process for you. To ensure we schedule time to register your business during the application open period, please accept so we can schedule in your business application for JobKeeper in our next week’s workload.