
privacy keyboard button

Data privacy statistics

The majority of Australian small businesses are inadequately prepared for sweeping changes to the Commonwealth Privacy Act, according to new research from global technology platform, Zoho.

Switch now to Online services for business

The ATO's Business Portal will close soon so make the switch to Online services for business today! To access Online services for business, go to
The team from Notch Above Bookkeeping

Winning and keeping talent

If you’re a small business owner, here are four ways to set yourself apart as a top employer to win and keep your employee talent.
xero verify app

Xero Verify Multi-Factor Authentication

To make sure your Xero account continues to be secure, Xero is making Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) mandatory for all Xero customers globally in the year ahead.
tradie working on a deck

Be your best tradie with the right tech

How can tradespeople go about streamlining their business and help set themselves up for success? We look at 2 simple ideas.
Xero Payroll

Future proof your small business with cloud technology

A new study explores the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, and identifies some strategies that have proven successful in helping small businesses survive and even thrive.
Three young women preparing and decorating a table outside in a huge garden for a dinner party

Can Christmas parties go ahead during the coronavirus pandemic?

The office Christmas party might not look the same this year, but it’s still possible to inject some fun into end-of-year celebrations without putting anyone at risk. Read how.
woman florist with ipad

Low contact and cashless

Contactless cards, digital wallets, even tapping your watch – they all bring new levels of convenience that customers have grown to love. Find out why these cashless solutions are popular for an all-important new reason.
entrepreneur solopreneur

Going Freelance

With the right understanding of your finances, freelancers can generate a very healthy income from their skills. But to make your microbusiness profitable, you definitely need some sound financial management.