Three young women preparing and decorating a table outside in a huge garden for a dinner party

Can Christmas parties go ahead during the coronavirus pandemic?

The office Christmas party might not look the same this year

However, it’s still possible to inject some fun into end-of-year celebrations without putting anyone at risk.

Take your party outdoors

This is the safest option, given most coronavirus infections are contracted in indoor spaces, where air currents mean that people generally end up breathing in other people’s exhaled air, even with physical distancing and air conditioning.

With some venues, it will be necessary to book your space. In Canberra, for example, the National Capital Authority (NCA) is promoting the idea that organisations could hold their function in the Old Parliament House Rose Gardens or on Aspen Island. In the spirit of holiday giving, the NCA will waive hire fees, so plan ahead and get in early.

Physical distancing is still important, even outdoors, so dancing, singing and close-up mingling should not be part of the plan. And the ground rules for the event should make it clear that anyone who is unwell, particularly anyone who has any respiratory symptoms such as a cough or cold, must not attend the event.

Hand sanitising stations should be readily accessible, and any hand hygiene risks anticipated and avoided as far as reasonably practicable. For example, you may consider asking people attending to bring their own plates and cutlery, and their own food and drink.

Contact tracing

In addition, public health requirements in many jurisdictions mean businesses and undertakings need to keep a record of everyone attending, the name, phone number, the date and time they attended the venue.

This information is important for contact tracing, in case it later emerges someone at the event subsequently tested positive for coronavirus and may have passed on the virus without realising it.

To properly guard personal information, paper-based collection of contact tracing information should be done on a form that is kept private from other patrons, and secure from unauthorised access over the following weeks. The information can be destroyed after 28 days.

Collection of electronic information (e.g. on an iPad) must also maintain the privacy of personal information and must be done in a way that does not create a hygiene risk. For this reason, devices should not be handed to people attending, but rather collected by a staff member holding the device.

Keep your event small

The scale, nature and venue for your event should be chosen in the light of the local situation. Find out whether you’ll need a COVIDSafe plan, check maps of hot spots for active cases in the areas of potential venues, and make your plans accordingly.

Numbers of people attending will have to be within the allowable limits. Check your local health department to find out what restrictions apply in your area.

Think about using technology

A solution for some businesses may be a hybrid event where some employees are on site and others join in via Zoom or other platforms. This is an ideal way to include vulnerable individuals who may be at risk, for whatever reason.

While ‘virtual mingling’ might not have quite the same zing to it, if you’re joining in from home you can still relax and chat with colleagues, and at least you won’t be having to balance a drink and a plate in one hand while using a fork with the other.

Live, interactive games that online attendees can participate in are limited only by the imagination. Invite staff to make suggestions, and you might be surprised by what people come up with.

As long as it’s safe for everyone, a celebration can be a positive influence on workplace morale and a well-deserved relief, after such a difficult year.

Source: Can Christmas parties go ahead during the coronavirus pandemic? (2020). Retrieved from

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