
cloud technology

8 Steps to Migrate Your Business to the Cloud 

As a business owner, transitioning to the cloud can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Follow these simple steps to smoothly migrate your business operations to the cloud. 

Engaging a Virtual CFO

Outsourcing is a common way to save overhead, and ‘remote work’ is increasingly accepted in business culture, but what should you look for in an outsourced CFO?
keyboard and coffee

Automating Your Business

Automation is not a new idea but the opportunities to automate continue to grow all the time. We look at some business areas where automation has proved to be particularly impactful.

STP Phase 2 reporting

We’ve noticed some mistakes businesses are making as we move to STP Phase 2 reporting and are sharing the most common ones so you can avoid them.
green payroll binder

Superannuation Guarantee changes

From July the SG eligibility threshold changed. Find out how to ensure your payroll systems correctly calculate new SG entitlements.

Complete tasks for your tax period

Financial year end is the perfect time to do a check-up, celebrate your successes, and refocus on business goals.

Australian financial year calendar FY22

A lot of things need to happen between the end of financial year (EOFY) and tax time. Here are the dates and deadlines to keep in mind when getting tax ready.
tax return

The basics of EOFY

The end of the financial year or EOFY, is a time where your business has to submit a tax return based on your income and expenses. We break down some common terminology

EOFY resources for small business

Get help with tidying up the books and wrapping up the accounts this end of financial year (EOFY) with these resources for your small business.