
privacy keyboard button

Data privacy statistics

The majority of Australian small businesses are inadequately prepared for sweeping changes to the Commonwealth Privacy Act, according to new research from global technology platform, Zoho.
Jac Gallagher working at her laptop2020 Notch Above Bookkeeping

Is your business analysing the rise in data to better understand customers?

Is your business collecting data that helps you understand your customers better? Are you putting it to use when you engage with them? If the answer is ‘no’, you’re already behind the eight ball — read why.
Notch turtle with a special message

Digital bookkeeping for business

At Notch Above Bookkeeping, our team is passionate and committed to working with business owners to get their bookkeeping on track — via the cloud. Whilst we're adjusting to a new world post-COVID, there's every reason to embrace a more streamlined, efficient approach to business bookkeeping.