
businessman, productivity

What is labour productivity and how does it impact your business?

What is productivity exactly (hint: it’s not about working longer hours) and how can you lift it in your small business?
cash in hand

Another $2.5M in grants for QLD small businesses

Business Boost grants of up to $20,000 to help Queensland businesses are up for grabs with $2.5 million available in this round. Applications close 12 September 2023.
team meeting

8 Best Practices in Delegation

The art of delegation has been studied at length by prominent thinkers such as Dr Stephen Covey and others. Here are some ideas that may apply to delegation in your business.
tradie working on a deck

Be your best tradie with the right tech

How can tradespeople go about streamlining their business and help set themselves up for success? We look at 2 simple ideas.
virtual reality mask

Put your own oxygen mask on first

2020 has brought tremendous change and uncertainty on individuals and organisations. Find out why business leaders have a role to play in ensuring their teams feel supported during periods of ongoing change.
insurance broker in meeting

Insurance broker’s bookkeeping now a breeze

Insurance broker now has peace of mind knowing that Notch Above’s bookkeeping processes produce accurate monthly data which is available to her whenever she needs it. It not only helps her in her business decision-making but it also makes for easy end-of-financial-year processing.

Returning to work after COVID19

As a business leader, it’s important that everyone on your team feels comfortable about returning to work after remote working during COVID19. Xero has some great tips on this.
notch above bookkeeping

Practical Positivity

Stay safe. Do what you can with what you have. Control what’s…

Eliminate the time wasters

Before you can identify what activities are adding value to your business, your personal life and, more importantly, what activities are not, you need to know how you actually spends your time.